'Know your rights’: A free webinar series on the complaints pathways available to carers
Webinar 4: What can carers do about issues with health care services?
Wed 19 May 2021 12-1pm
Knowing your rights helps you understand what you can and can’t expect as a carer when you access services, and what to do if a problem arises. This free webinar series outlines the rights carers have when accessing a range of services with or on behalf of the person they care for. Rights that can be upheld through formal complaints pathways are the focus.
The series is based on eight fact sheets developed by the Carer Rights & Complaints Network, available online at: www.carersnsw.org.au/advice/ rights-complaints.
You will require access to a computer with speakers. This webinar will be delivered using the ZOOM platform. Carers NSW will send you instructions about how you can join the session on confirmation of your registration.