Carers Day Out 2023

Registration Form

Carers Day Out 2023 is dedicated to recognising and celebrating carers in NSW, and will be held on Tuesday 17 October at the Redfern Community Centre from 10:00am to 2:00pm. If you wish to attend this event, please complete the following registration form. Carers Day Out is proudly supported by The City of Sydney.
First name*
Last name*
Email address*
Phone number
Do you live within the City of Sydney?
Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin?
Are you from a culturally and linguistically diverse background?
*The term culturally and linguistically diverse is commonly used to describe the diversity of language, religion, culture and ethnicity of people living in Australia. While it can be considered that every person is culturally and linguistically diverse, the term is generally used to refer to people from a non-English speaking background (NESB). 
Which of the following describes you best?*
Will anyone else be attending with you?*
Please enter the first and last name/s of additional attendees
How will you travel to Redfern Community Centre? Please note: parking is limited in the area.*
Other (Please specify):