Supporting carers through the aged care reforms: For CHSP providers
The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety made a series of recommendations to transform the Australian aged care system. This includes the Commonwealth Home Support Programme, Short Term Restorative Care Programme and the Home Care Package program merging into the new Support at Home Program from July 2024. The changes will mean that all older people and their carers will access services and supports from the same, single program from that time on.
The Support at Home Program aims to improve support for family and friend carers through the new assessment process and increased integration between My Aged Care and Carer Gateway. Carer Gateway will play an increased role in booking respite services in advance for carers of people who are ageing.
Please join us for a 60-minute information session to understand the challenges carers face, the increasing role of Carer Gateway and how you can support carers through the aged care reforms.
You will require access to a computer with speakers (a microphone and video camera are a bonus). Training is delivered using the ZOOM platform. Carers NSW will send you instructions about how you can join the session on the day before each session.
The duration for this webinar is 60 minutes.
Please note: This session is for CHSP providers. If you are attending as a carer please register for 'Understanding the changes to aged care services: For carers' here