Having your say: How to provide feedback on changes to aged care services

Following the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, the Australian Government has committed to significant changes to the aged care system which aim to improve the quality and safety of care. 

This training package will aim to increase the confidence of carers and CHSP service providers to identify and participate in opportunities to provide feedback to the Australian Government on proposed changes to aged care.

The package includes:

  • One online 30-minute training session outlining the aged care policy landscape and the consultation process
  • A further 60-minute online skills-focused workshop that aims to build the skills and confidence of carers and service providers to participate in consultation opportunities

You will require access to a computer with speakers (a microphone and video camera are a bonus). Training is delivered using the ZOOM platform. Carers NSW will send you instructions about how you can join the session on confirmation of your registration.

Which sessions would you like to attend?*
First name*
Last name*
Email address*
Phone number*
Are you attending as a Carer or Service Provider?*
If other please specify
Are you a CHSP Provider?*
If yes, please provide the name of your organisation
Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin?
Are you from a culturally and linguistically diverse background?
How did you hear about this course or webinar?*
If other please specify

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*The term culturally and linguistically diverse is commonly used to describe the diversity of language, religion, culture and ethnicity of people living in Australia.