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Please check the box next to the type of emails you would like to receive.


Important dairy industry updates

Emails from Chief Executive and DairyNZ Board; biosecurity and adverse events updates.

DairyNZ News - regional updates

DairyNZ News is a fortnightly email that keeps you informed about dairy industry news and what DairyNZ is doing in your region.

Select your region below:

Bay of Plenty
Lower North Island
Top of South
West Coast
Southland & Otago

Local updates

Email and SMS reminders for discussion groups, other local information and events

Local groups: Notification of seasonal groups near you
Local events: Notification of local events (excluding seasonal groups) e.g. on-farm field days, Calving Smart workshop.
Local news: Information regarding local DairyNZ team or local adverse events updates

Monitor farm updates

These email updates from farms across the country provide valuable dairy farming information throughout the season.

Bay of Plenty Monitor Farms
Hauraki Plains Monitor Farms

NZAEL updates

Progress in developing, promoting and delivering genetic evaluation for dairy cattle.

NZAEL email newsletter